Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, I. and Sołtysiak, A. (in preparation). Strontium isotope insight into migration and land use patterns in Nubia in Late Antiquity.

Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, I. and Sołtysiak, A. (2023). Isotopic evidence of an environmental shift at the fall of the Kushite kingdom of Meroe, Sudan. Antiquity 97 (396): 1501-1515.

Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, I. (2021). Stable isotope analysis and radiocarbon dating of human remains from El-Zuma. In Mahmoud El-Tayeb & E. Czyżewska-Zalewska (Eds.), Early Makuria Research Project. El-Zuma cemetery (Vol. 1, pp. 220–227). Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, I. (2020). Human Remains from Mansourkotti, Korti and Ousli East, Sudan, 2014–2018. Bioarchaeology of the Near East 14: 123–144.

Brass, M., Fuller, D.Q., MacDonald, K., Stevens, C., Adam, A.H., Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, I., Abdallah, R., Alawad, O., Abdalla, A., Vella Gregory, I., Wellings, J., Hassan, F., and Abdelrahman, A. (2019). New findings on the significance of Jebel Moya in the eastern Sahel. Azania: Archaeological research in Africa 54 (4): 425–444. DOI:10.1080/0067270X.2019.1691845   

Brass, M., Adam, A.H., Fuller, D.Q., Stevens, C., Hassan, F., Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, I., Abdallah, R., Alawad, O., Abdalla, A., Wellings, J. and Abdelrahman, A. (2018). First season of UCL–UoK–NCAM Expedition to the Southern Gezira (Sudan): Jebel Moya. Sudan & Nubia 22: 38–45.

Brass, M., Adam, A.H., Fuller, D.Q., Stevens, C., Hassan, F., Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, I., Abdallah, R.M.J., Alawad, O.K., Abdalla, A.A.M., Wellings, J. and Abdelrahman, A.M. (2018). Jebel Moya: New excavations at the largest pastoral burial cemetery in sub-Saharan Africa. Antiquity 92 (364), E6


“Humans and Their Environment in the Past: Using Stable Isotopes to Investigate the Collapse of the Kushite Kingdom of Meroe (300 BC – AD 350), Sudan” by Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, United Kingdom Archaeological Sciences (UKAS) Conference, Manchester, 24th – 26th April 2019.

“Accidental trauma or birth-related injury: A case study from a Late Meroitic cemetery at Korti, Sudan” by Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, (1) Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt Conference, 10th – 13th January 2019, American University in Cairo; (2) 3rd Sudan Studies Conference, Oxford, 4th May 2019.

Environmental changes and the Collapse of the Kushite Kingdom of Meroe, Sudan: A contributing factor? Results of stable isotope analysis of human remains from selected archaeological sites” by Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, (1) Bioarchaeology of Ancient Egypt Conference, 10th – 13th January 2019, American University in Cairo; (2) 3rd Sudan Studies Conference, Oxford, 4th May 2019.

“Were environmental changes a contributing factor to the collapse of the Kingdom of Meroe?: Preliminary results of stable isotope analysis of human remains from selected archaeological sites” by Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, 14th International Conference for Nubian Studies, 10th-15th September 2018, Musée du Louvre and Sorbonne University.

“Environmental Changes and the Collapse of the Kingdom of Meroe, Sudan: Update on the Project” by Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, Annual Poles on the Nile Archaeological Conference, 11th-13th June 2018, University of Warsaw.

“Environmental Changes and the Collapse of the Kingdom of Meroe, Sudan: Project Introduction” by Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin, 24th National Nubiological Conference, Gdańsk, June 2017.